In [1]:
import pandas as pd
# from import data, wb   # Package and modules for importing data; this code may change depending on pandas version
import datetime
from pandas_datareader import data, wb

In [2]:
# We will look at stock prices over the past year, starting at January 1, 2016
start = datetime.datetime(2016,1,1)
end =

In [3]:
# Let's get Apple stock data; Apple's ticker symbol is AAPL
# First argument is the series we want, second is the source ("yahoo" for Yahoo! Finance), third is the start date, fourth is the end date
apple = data.DataReader("AAPL", "yahoo", start, end)


In [4]:

Open High Low Close Volume Adj Close
2016-01-04 102.610001 105.370003 102.000000 105.349998 67649400 103.057063
2016-01-05 105.750000 105.849998 102.410004 102.709999 55791000 100.474523
2016-01-06 100.559998 102.370003 99.870003 100.699997 68457400 98.508268
2016-01-07 98.680000 100.129997 96.430000 96.449997 81094400 94.350769
2016-01-08 98.550003 99.110001 96.760002 96.959999 70798000 94.849671

In [5]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt   # Import matplotlib
# This line is necessary for the plot to appear in a Jupyter notebook
%matplotlib inline
# Control the default size of figures in this Jupyter notebook
%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [6]:
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (15, 9)   # Change the size of plots
apple["Adj Close"].plot(grid = True) # Plot the adjusted closing price of AAPL

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x106599b90>

In [7]:
from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter, WeekdayLocator,\
    DayLocator, MONDAY
from import candlestick_ohlc
def pandas_candlestick_ohlc(dat, stick = "day", otherseries = None):
    :param dat: pandas DataFrame object with datetime64 index, and float columns "Open", "High", "Low", and "Close", likely created via DataReader from "yahoo"
    :param stick: A string or number indicating the period of time covered by a single candlestick. Valid string inputs include "day", "week", "month", and "year", ("day" default), and any numeric input indicates the number of trading days included in a period
    :param otherseries: An iterable that will be coerced into a list, containing the columns of dat that hold other series to be plotted as lines
    This will show a Japanese candlestick plot for stock data stored in dat, also plotting other series if passed.
    mondays = WeekdayLocator(MONDAY)        # major ticks on the mondays
    alldays = DayLocator()              # minor ticks on the days
    dayFormatter = DateFormatter('%d')      # e.g., 12
    # Create a new DataFrame which includes OHLC data for each period specified by stick input
    transdat = dat.loc[:,["Open", "High", "Low", "Close"]]
    if (type(stick) == str):
        if stick == "day":
            plotdat = transdat
            stick = 1 # Used for plotting
        elif stick in ["week", "month", "year"]:
            if stick == "week":
                transdat["week"] = pd.to_datetime(transdat.index).map(lambda x: x.isocalendar()[1]) # Identify weeks
            elif stick == "month":
                transdat["month"] = pd.to_datetime(transdat.index).map(lambda x: x.month) # Identify months
            transdat["year"] = pd.to_datetime(transdat.index).map(lambda x: x.isocalendar()[0]) # Identify years
            grouped = transdat.groupby(list(set(["year",stick]))) # Group by year and other appropriate variable
            plotdat = pd.DataFrame({"Open": [], "High": [], "Low": [], "Close": []}) # Create empty data frame containing what will be plotted
            for name, group in grouped:
                plotdat = plotdat.append(pd.DataFrame({"Open": group.iloc[0,0],
                                            "High": max(group.High),
                                            "Low": min(group.Low),
                                            "Close": group.iloc[-1,3]},
                                           index = [group.index[0]]))
            if stick == "week": stick = 5
            elif stick == "month": stick = 30
            elif stick == "year": stick = 365
    elif (type(stick) == int and stick >= 1):
        transdat["stick"] = [np.floor(i / stick) for i in range(len(transdat.index))]
        grouped = transdat.groupby("stick")
        plotdat = pd.DataFrame({"Open": [], "High": [], "Low": [], "Close": []}) # Create empty data frame containing what will be plotted
        for name, group in grouped:
            plotdat = plotdat.append(pd.DataFrame({"Open": group.iloc[0,0],
                                        "High": max(group.High),
                                        "Low": min(group.Low),
                                        "Close": group.iloc[-1,3]},
                                       index = [group.index[0]]))
        raise ValueError('Valid inputs to argument "stick" include the strings "day", "week", "month", "year", or a positive integer')
    # Set plot parameters, including the axis object ax used for plotting
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    if plotdat.index[-1] - plotdat.index[0] < pd.Timedelta('730 days'):
        weekFormatter = DateFormatter('%b %d')  # e.g., Jan 12
        weekFormatter = DateFormatter('%b %d, %Y')
    # Create the candelstick chart
    candlestick_ohlc(ax, list(zip(list(date2num(plotdat.index.tolist())), plotdat["Open"].tolist(), plotdat["High"].tolist(),
                      plotdat["Low"].tolist(), plotdat["Close"].tolist())),
                      colorup = "black", colordown = "red", width = stick * .4)
    # Plot other series (such as moving averages) as lines
    if otherseries != None:
        if type(otherseries) != list:
            otherseries = [otherseries]
        dat.loc[:,otherseries].plot(ax = ax, lw = 1.3, grid = True)
    plt.setp(plt.gca().get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, horizontalalignment='right')

In [8]:
microsoft = data.DataReader("MSFT", "yahoo", start, end)
google = data.DataReader("GOOG", "yahoo", start, end)
# Below I create a DataFrame consisting of the adjusted closing price of these stocks, first by making a list of these objects and using the join method
stocks = pd.DataFrame({"AAPL": apple["Adj Close"],
                      "MSFT": microsoft["Adj Close"],
                      "GOOG": google["Adj Close"]})

2016-01-04 103.057063 741.840027 53.336436
2016-01-05 100.474523 742.580017 53.579760
2016-01-06 98.508268 743.619995 52.606467
2016-01-07 94.350769 726.390015 50.776676
2016-01-08 94.849671 714.469971 50.932406

In [9]:
stocks.plot(grid = True)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1065ddb90>

In [10]:
stocks.plot(secondary_y = ["AAPL", "MSFT"], grid = True)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x106b85250>

In [11]:
stocks.plot(secondary_y = ["AAPL", "MSFT"], grid = True)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x107e52ed0>

In [12]:
# df.apply(arg) will apply the function arg to each column in df, and return a DataFrame with the result
# Recall that lambda x is an anonymous function accepting parameter x; in this case, x will be a pandas Series object
stock_return = stocks.apply(lambda x: x / x[0])

2016-01-04 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
2016-01-05 0.974941 1.000998 1.004562
2016-01-06 0.955861 1.002399 0.986314
2016-01-07 0.915520 0.979173 0.952007
2016-01-08 0.920361 0.963105 0.954927

In [13]:
stock_return.plot(grid = True).axhline(y = 1, color = "black", lw = 2)

<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1079ed790>

In [15]:
# Let's use NumPy's log function, though math's log function would work just as well
import numpy as np
stock_change = stocks.apply(lambda x: np.log(x) - np.log(x.shift(1))) # shift moves dates back by 1.

2016-01-04 NaN NaN NaN
2016-01-05 -0.025379 0.000997 0.004552
2016-01-06 -0.019764 0.001400 -0.018332
2016-01-07 -0.043121 -0.023443 -0.035402
2016-01-08 0.005274 -0.016546 0.003062

In [16]:
stock_change.plot(grid = True).axhline(y = 0, color = "black", lw = 2)

<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x107742090>

In [17]:
apple["20d"] = np.round(apple["Close"].rolling(window = 20, center = False).mean(), 2)
pandas_candlestick_ohlc(apple.loc['2016-01-04':'2016-08-07',:], otherseries = "20d")

In [18]:
apple["50d"] = np.round(apple["Close"].rolling(window = 50, center = False).mean(), 2)
apple["200d"] = np.round(apple["Close"].rolling(window = 200, center = False).mean(), 2)
pandas_candlestick_ohlc(apple.loc['2016-01-04':'2016-08-07',:], otherseries = ["20d", "50d", "200d"])

In [19]:
apple['20d-50d'] = apple['20d'] - apple['50d']

Open High Low Close Volume Adj Close 20d 50d 200d 20d-50d
2017-01-27 122.139999 122.349998 121.599998 121.949997 20437400 121.949997 119.05 115.33 107.20 3.72
2017-01-30 120.930000 121.629997 120.660004 121.629997 30278800 121.629997 119.29 115.62 107.24 3.67
2017-01-31 121.150002 121.389999 120.620003 121.349998 41610600 121.349998 119.57 115.85 107.30 3.72
2017-02-01 127.029999 130.490005 127.010002 128.750000 111658100 128.750000 120.20 116.23 107.41 3.97
2017-02-02 127.980003 129.389999 127.779999 128.529999 33514400 128.529999 120.83 116.60 107.52 4.23

In [20]:
# np.where() is a vectorized if-else function, where a condition is checked for each component of a vector, and the first argument passed is used when the condition holds, and the other passed if it does not
apple["Regime"] = np.where(apple['20d-50d'] > 0, 1, 0)
# We have 1's for bullish regimes and 0's for everything else. Below I replace bearish regimes's values with -1, and to maintain the rest of the vector, the second argument is apple["Regime"]
apple["Regime"] = np.where(apple['20d-50d'] < 0, -1, apple["Regime"])
apple.loc['2016-01-01':'2016-08-07',"Regime"].plot(ylim = (-2,2)).axhline(y = 0, color = "black", lw = 2)

<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1096d0c50>

In [21]:
apple["Regime"].plot(ylim = (-2,2)).axhline(y = 0, color = "black", lw = 2)

<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1075b02d0>

In [22]:

 1    148
-1     77
 0     49
Name: Regime, dtype: int64

In [23]:
# To ensure that all trades close out, I temporarily change the regime of the last row to 0
regime_orig = apple.ix[-1, "Regime"]
apple.ix[-1, "Regime"] = 0
apple["Signal"] = np.sign(apple["Regime"] - apple["Regime"].shift(1))
# Restore original regime data
apple.ix[-1, "Regime"] = regime_orig

Open High Low Close Volume Adj Close 20d 50d 200d 20d-50d Regime Signal
2017-01-27 122.139999 122.349998 121.599998 121.949997 20437400 121.949997 119.05 115.33 107.20 3.72 1.0 0.0
2017-01-30 120.930000 121.629997 120.660004 121.629997 30278800 121.629997 119.29 115.62 107.24 3.67 1.0 0.0
2017-01-31 121.150002 121.389999 120.620003 121.349998 41610600 121.349998 119.57 115.85 107.30 3.72 1.0 0.0
2017-02-01 127.029999 130.490005 127.010002 128.750000 111658100 128.750000 120.20 116.23 107.41 3.97 1.0 0.0
2017-02-02 127.980003 129.389999 127.779999 128.529999 33514400 128.529999 120.83 116.60 107.52 4.23 1.0 -1.0

In [24]:
apple["Signal"].plot(ylim = (-2, 2))

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x106c07710>

In [25]:

 0.0    265
-1.0      4
 1.0      4
Name: Signal, dtype: int64

In [26]:
apple.loc[apple["Signal"] == 1, "Close"]

2016-03-15    104.580002
2016-07-01     95.889999
2016-07-25     97.339996
2016-12-22    116.290001
Name: Close, dtype: float64

In [27]:
apple.loc[apple["Signal"] == -1, "Close"]

2016-05-05     93.239998
2016-07-08     96.680000
2016-11-15    107.110001
2017-02-02    128.529999
Name: Close, dtype: float64

In [28]:
# Create a DataFrame with trades, including the price at the trade and the regime under which the trade is made.
apple_signals = pd.concat([
        pd.DataFrame({"Price": apple.loc[apple["Signal"] == 1, "Close"],
                     "Regime": apple.loc[apple["Signal"] == 1, "Regime"],
                     "Signal": "Buy"}),
        pd.DataFrame({"Price": apple.loc[apple["Signal"] == -1, "Close"],
                     "Regime": apple.loc[apple["Signal"] == -1, "Regime"],
                     "Signal": "Sell"}),
apple_signals.sort_index(inplace = True)

Price Regime Signal
2016-03-15 104.580002 1.0 Buy
2016-05-05 93.239998 -1.0 Sell
2016-07-01 95.889999 1.0 Buy
2016-07-08 96.680000 -1.0 Sell
2016-07-25 97.339996 1.0 Buy
2016-11-15 107.110001 -1.0 Sell
2016-12-22 116.290001 1.0 Buy
2017-02-02 128.529999 1.0 Sell

In [29]:
# Let's see the profitability of long trades
apple_long_profits = pd.DataFrame({
        "Price": apple_signals.loc[(apple_signals["Signal"] == "Buy") &
                                  apple_signals["Regime"] == 1, "Price"],
        "Profit": pd.Series(apple_signals["Price"] - apple_signals["Price"].shift(1)).loc[
            apple_signals.loc[(apple_signals["Signal"].shift(1) == "Buy") & (apple_signals["Regime"].shift(1) == 1)].index
        "End Date": apple_signals["Price"].loc[
            apple_signals.loc[(apple_signals["Signal"].shift(1) == "Buy") & (apple_signals["Regime"].shift(1) == 1)].index

End Date Price Profit
2016-03-15 2016-05-05 104.580002 -11.340004
2016-07-01 2016-07-08 95.889999 0.790001
2016-07-25 2016-11-15 97.339996 9.770005
2016-12-22 2017-02-02 116.290001 12.239998

In [30]:
pandas_candlestick_ohlc(apple, stick = 45, otherseries = ["20d", "50d", "200d"])

In [31]:
def ohlc_adj(dat):
    :param dat: pandas DataFrame with stock data, including "Open", "High", "Low", "Close", and "Adj Close", with "Adj Close" containing adjusted closing prices
    :return: pandas DataFrame with adjusted stock data
    This function adjusts stock data for splits, dividends, etc., returning a data frame with
    "Open", "High", "Low" and "Close" columns. The input DataFrame is similar to that returned
    by pandas Yahoo! Finance API.
    return pd.DataFrame({"Open": dat["Open"] * dat["Adj Close"] / dat["Close"],
                       "High": dat["High"] * dat["Adj Close"] / dat["Close"],
                       "Low": dat["Low"] * dat["Adj Close"] / dat["Close"],
                       "Close": dat["Adj Close"]})
apple_adj = ohlc_adj(apple)
# This next code repeats all the earlier analysis we did on the adjusted data
apple_adj["20d"] = np.round(apple_adj["Close"].rolling(window = 20, center = False).mean(), 2)
apple_adj["50d"] = np.round(apple_adj["Close"].rolling(window = 50, center = False).mean(), 2)
apple_adj["200d"] = np.round(apple_adj["Close"].rolling(window = 200, center = False).mean(), 2)
apple_adj['20d-50d'] = apple_adj['20d'] - apple_adj['50d']
# np.where() is a vectorized if-else function, where a condition is checked for each component of a vector, and the first argument passed is used when the condition holds, and the other passed if it does not
apple_adj["Regime"] = np.where(apple_adj['20d-50d'] > 0, 1, 0)
# We have 1's for bullish regimes and 0's for everything else. Below I replace bearish regimes's values with -1, and to maintain the rest of the vector, the second argument is apple["Regime"]
apple_adj["Regime"] = np.where(apple_adj['20d-50d'] < 0, -1, apple_adj["Regime"])
# To ensure that all trades close out, I temporarily change the regime of the last row to 0
regime_orig = apple_adj.ix[-1, "Regime"]
apple_adj.ix[-1, "Regime"] = 0
apple_adj["Signal"] = np.sign(apple_adj["Regime"] - apple_adj["Regime"].shift(1))
# Restore original regime data
apple_adj.ix[-1, "Regime"] = regime_orig
# Create a DataFrame with trades, including the price at the trade and the regime under which the trade is made.
apple_adj_signals = pd.concat([
        pd.DataFrame({"Price": apple_adj.loc[apple_adj["Signal"] == 1, "Close"],
                     "Regime": apple_adj.loc[apple_adj["Signal"] == 1, "Regime"],
                     "Signal": "Buy"}),
        pd.DataFrame({"Price": apple_adj.loc[apple_adj["Signal"] == -1, "Close"],
                     "Regime": apple_adj.loc[apple_adj["Signal"] == -1, "Regime"],
                     "Signal": "Sell"}),
apple_adj_signals.sort_index(inplace = True)
apple_adj_long_profits = pd.DataFrame({
        "Price": apple_adj_signals.loc[(apple_adj_signals["Signal"] == "Buy") &
                                  apple_adj_signals["Regime"] == 1, "Price"],
        "Profit": pd.Series(apple_adj_signals["Price"] - apple_adj_signals["Price"].shift(1)).loc[
            apple_adj_signals.loc[(apple_adj_signals["Signal"].shift(1) == "Buy") & (apple_adj_signals["Regime"].shift(1) == 1)].index
        "End Date": apple_adj_signals["Price"].loc[
            apple_adj_signals.loc[(apple_adj_signals["Signal"].shift(1) == "Buy") & (apple_adj_signals["Regime"].shift(1) == 1)].index
pandas_candlestick_ohlc(apple_adj, stick = 45, otherseries = ["20d", "50d", "200d"])

In [32]:

End Date Price Profit
2016-03-15 2016-05-05 102.858958 -10.595041
2016-06-23 2016-06-27 95.093977 -4.017495
2016-06-30 2016-07-11 94.599212 1.365558
2016-07-25 2016-11-15 96.320994 10.789007
2016-12-21 2017-02-02 117.059998 11.470001

In [33]:
# We need to get the low of the price during each trade.
tradeperiods = pd.DataFrame({"Start": apple_adj_long_profits.index,
                            "End": apple_adj_long_profits["End Date"]})
apple_adj_long_profits["Low"] = tradeperiods.apply(lambda x: min(apple_adj.loc[x["Start"]:x["End"], "Low"]), axis = 1)

End Date Price Profit Low
2016-03-15 2016-05-05 102.858958 -10.595041 90.879401
2016-06-23 2016-06-27 95.093977 -4.017495 90.542134
2016-06-30 2016-07-11 94.599212 1.365558 93.312826
2016-07-25 2016-11-15 96.320994 10.789007 95.410627
2016-12-21 2017-02-02 117.059998 11.470001 114.760002

In [34]:
# Now we have all the information needed to simulate this strategy in apple_adj_long_profits
cash = 1000000
apple_backtest = pd.DataFrame({"Start Port. Value": [],
                         "End Port. Value": [],
                         "End Date": [],
                         "Shares": [],
                         "Share Price": [],
                         "Trade Value": [],
                         "Profit per Share": [],
                         "Total Profit": [],
                         "Stop-Loss Triggered": []})
port_value = .1  # Max proportion of portfolio bet on any trade
batch = 100      # Number of shares bought per batch
stoploss = .2    # % of trade loss that would trigger a stoploss
for index, row in apple_adj_long_profits.iterrows():
    batches = np.floor(cash * port_value) // np.ceil(batch * row["Price"]) # Maximum number of batches of stocks invested in
    trade_val = batches * batch * row["Price"] # How much money is put on the line with each trade
    if row["Low"] < (1 - stoploss) * row["Price"]:   # Account for the stop-loss
        share_profit = np.round((1 - stoploss) * row["Price"], 2)
        stop_trig = True
        share_profit = row["Profit"]
        stop_trig = False
    profit = share_profit * batches * batch # Compute profits
    # Add a row to the backtest data frame containing the results of the trade
    apple_backtest = apple_backtest.append(pd.DataFrame({
                "Start Port. Value": cash,
                "End Port. Value": cash + profit,
                "End Date": row["End Date"],
                "Shares": batch * batches,
                "Share Price": row["Price"],
                "Trade Value": trade_val,
                "Profit per Share": share_profit,
                "Total Profit": profit,
                "Stop-Loss Triggered": stop_trig
            }, index = [index]))
    cash = max(0, cash + profit)

End Date End Port. Value Profit per Share Share Price Shares Start Port. Value Stop-Loss Triggered Total Profit Trade Value
2016-03-15 2016-05-05 9.904645e+05 -10.595041 102.858958 900.0 1000000.0000 0.0 -9535.5369 92573.0622
2016-06-23 2016-06-27 9.864470e+05 -4.017495 95.093977 1000.0 990464.4631 0.0 -4017.4950 95093.9770
2016-06-30 2016-07-11 9.878125e+05 1.365558 94.599212 1000.0 986446.9681 0.0 1365.5580 94599.2120
2016-07-25 2016-11-15 9.986015e+05 10.789007 96.320994 1000.0 987812.5261 0.0 10789.0070 96320.9940
2016-12-21 2017-02-02 1.007778e+06 11.470001 117.059998 800.0 998601.5331 0.0 9176.0008 93647.9984

In [35]:
apple_backtest["End Port. Value"].plot()

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x107a6a150>

In [37]:
def ma_crossover_orders(stocks, fast, slow):
    :param stocks: A list of tuples, the first argument in each tuple being a string containing the ticker symbol of each stock (or however you want the stock represented, so long as it's unique), and the second being a pandas DataFrame containing the stocks, with a "Close" column and indexing by date (like the data frames returned by the Yahoo! Finance API)
    :param fast: Integer for the number of days used in the fast moving average
    :param slow: Integer for the number of days used in the slow moving average
    :return: pandas DataFrame containing stock orders
    This function takes a list of stocks and determines when each stock would be bought or sold depending on a moving average crossover strategy, returning a data frame with information about when the stocks in the portfolio are bought or sold according to the strategy
    fast_str = str(fast) + 'd'
    slow_str = str(slow) + 'd'
    ma_diff_str = fast_str + '-' + slow_str
    trades = pd.DataFrame({"Price": [], "Regime": [], "Signal": []})
    for s in stocks:
        # Get the moving averages, both fast and slow, along with the difference in the moving averages
        s[1][fast_str] = np.round(s[1]["Close"].rolling(window = fast, center = False).mean(), 2)
        s[1][slow_str] = np.round(s[1]["Close"].rolling(window = slow, center = False).mean(), 2)
        s[1][ma_diff_str] = s[1][fast_str] - s[1][slow_str]
        # np.where() is a vectorized if-else function, where a condition is checked for each component of a vector, and the first argument passed is used when the condition holds, and the other passed if it does not
        s[1]["Regime"] = np.where(s[1][ma_diff_str] > 0, 1, 0)
        # We have 1's for bullish regimes and 0's for everything else. Below I replace bearish regimes's values with -1, and to maintain the rest of the vector, the second argument is apple["Regime"]
        s[1]["Regime"] = np.where(s[1][ma_diff_str] < 0, -1, s[1]["Regime"])
        # To ensure that all trades close out, I temporarily change the regime of the last row to 0
        regime_orig = s[1].ix[-1, "Regime"]
        s[1].ix[-1, "Regime"] = 0
        s[1]["Signal"] = np.sign(s[1]["Regime"] - s[1]["Regime"].shift(1))
        # Restore original regime data
        s[1].ix[-1, "Regime"] = regime_orig
        # Get signals
        signals = pd.concat([
            pd.DataFrame({"Price": s[1].loc[s[1]["Signal"] == 1, "Close"],
                         "Regime": s[1].loc[s[1]["Signal"] == 1, "Regime"],
                         "Signal": "Buy"}),
            pd.DataFrame({"Price": s[1].loc[s[1]["Signal"] == -1, "Close"],
                         "Regime": s[1].loc[s[1]["Signal"] == -1, "Regime"],
                         "Signal": "Sell"}),
        signals.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([signals.index, [s[0]]], names = ["Date", "Symbol"])
        trades = trades.append(signals)
    trades.sort_index(inplace = True)
    trades.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(trades.index, names = ["Date", "Symbol"])
    return trades
def backtest(signals, cash, port_value = .1, batch = 100):
    :param signals: pandas DataFrame containing buy and sell signals with stock prices and symbols, like that returned by ma_crossover_orders
    :param cash: integer for starting cash value
    :param port_value: maximum proportion of portfolio to risk on any single trade
    :param batch: Trading batch sizes
    :return: pandas DataFrame with backtesting results
    This function backtests strategies, with the signals generated by the strategies being passed in the signals DataFrame. A fictitious portfolio is simulated and the returns generated by this portfolio are reported.
    SYMBOL = 1 # Constant for which element in index represents symbol
    portfolio = dict()    # Will contain how many stocks are in the portfolio for a given symbol
    port_prices = dict()  # Tracks old trade prices for determining profits
    # Dataframe that will contain backtesting report
    results = pd.DataFrame({"Start Cash": [],
                            "End Cash": [],
                            "Portfolio Value": [],
                            "Type": [],
                            "Shares": [],
                            "Share Price": [],
                            "Trade Value": [],
                            "Profit per Share": [],
                            "Total Profit": []})
    for index, row in signals.iterrows():
        # These first few lines are done for any trade
        shares = portfolio.setdefault(index[SYMBOL], 0)
        trade_val = 0
        batches = 0
        cash_change = row["Price"] * shares   # Shares could potentially be a positive or negative number (cash_change will be added in the end; negative shares indicate a short)
        portfolio[index[SYMBOL]] = 0  # For a given symbol, a position is effectively cleared
        old_price = port_prices.setdefault(index[SYMBOL], row["Price"])
        portfolio_val = 0
        for key, val in portfolio.items():
            portfolio_val += val * port_prices[key]
        if row["Signal"] == "Buy" and row["Regime"] == 1:  # Entering a long position
            batches = np.floor((portfolio_val + cash) * port_value) // np.ceil(batch * row["Price"]) # Maximum number of batches of stocks invested in
            trade_val = batches * batch * row["Price"] # How much money is put on the line with each trade
            cash_change -= trade_val  # We are buying shares so cash will go down
            portfolio[index[SYMBOL]] = batches * batch  # Recording how many shares are currently invested in the stock
            port_prices[index[SYMBOL]] = row["Price"]   # Record price
            old_price = row["Price"]
        elif row["Signal"] == "Sell" and row["Regime"] == -1: # Entering a short
            # Do nothing; can we provide a method for shorting the market?
            #raise ValueError("I don't know what to do with signal " + row["Signal"])
        pprofit = row["Price"] - old_price   # Compute profit per share; old_price is set in such a way that entering a position results in a profit of zero
        # Update report
        results = results.append(pd.DataFrame({
                "Start Cash": cash,
                "End Cash": cash + cash_change,
                "Portfolio Value": cash + cash_change + portfolio_val + trade_val,
                "Type": row["Signal"],
                "Shares": batch * batches,
                "Share Price": row["Price"],
                "Trade Value": abs(cash_change),
                "Profit per Share": pprofit,
                "Total Profit": batches * batch * pprofit
            }, index = [index]))
        cash += cash_change  # Final change to cash balance
    results.sort_index(inplace = True)
    results.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(results.index, names = ["Date", "Symbol"])
    return results
# Get more stocks
microsoft = data.DataReader("MSFT", "yahoo", start, end)
google = data.DataReader("GOOG", "yahoo", start, end)
facebook = data.DataReader("FB", "yahoo", start, end)
twitter = data.DataReader("TWTR", "yahoo", start, end)
netflix = data.DataReader("NFLX", "yahoo", start, end)
amazon = data.DataReader("AMZN", "yahoo", start, end)
yahoo = data.DataReader("YHOO", "yahoo", start, end)
sony = data.DataReader("SNY", "yahoo", start, end)
nintendo = data.DataReader("NTDOY", "yahoo", start, end)
ibm = data.DataReader("IBM", "yahoo", start, end)
hp = data.DataReader("HPQ", "yahoo", start, end)

In [38]:
signals = ma_crossover_orders([("AAPL", ohlc_adj(apple)),
                              ("MSFT",  ohlc_adj(microsoft)),
                              ("GOOG",  ohlc_adj(google)),
                              ("FB",    ohlc_adj(facebook)),
                              ("TWTR",  ohlc_adj(twitter)),
                              ("NFLX",  ohlc_adj(netflix)),
                              ("AMZN",  ohlc_adj(amazon)),
                              ("YHOO",  ohlc_adj(yahoo)),
                              ("SNY",   ohlc_adj(yahoo)),
                              ("NTDOY", ohlc_adj(nintendo)),
                              ("IBM",   ohlc_adj(ibm)),
                              ("HPQ",   ohlc_adj(hp))],
                            fast = 20, slow = 50)

Price Regime Signal
Date Symbol
2016-03-15 AAPL 102.858958 1.0 Buy
AMZN 577.020020 -1.0 Sell
FB 110.669998 1.0 Buy
GOOG 728.330017 -1.0 Sell
HPQ 11.101380 1.0 Buy
IBM 139.119036 1.0 Buy
MSFT 52.533246 1.0 Buy
NFLX 97.860001 -1.0 Sell
NTDOY 17.400000 1.0 Buy
SNY 33.259998 1.0 Buy
TWTR 16.190001 1.0 Buy
YHOO 33.259998 1.0 Buy
2016-03-17 AMZN 559.440002 1.0 Buy
GOOG 737.780029 1.0 Buy
2016-03-21 NFLX 101.059998 1.0 Buy
2016-04-01 TWTR 15.980000 -1.0 Sell
2016-05-04 MSFT 48.886600 -1.0 Sell
NFLX 90.790001 -1.0 Sell
2016-05-05 AAPL 92.263917 -1.0 Sell
GOOG 701.429993 -1.0 Sell
2016-05-17 HPQ 11.227975 -1.0 Sell
NTDOY 18.170000 -1.0 Sell
2016-05-20 IBM 144.676629 -1.0 Sell
2016-05-27 IBM 150.168934 1.0 Buy
2016-06-07 HPQ 13.331394 1.0 Buy
2016-06-08 NTDOY 19.350000 1.0 Buy
2016-06-14 NFLX 94.120003 1.0 Buy
2016-06-17 NTDOY 17.610001 0.0 Sell
2016-06-20 NTDOY 17.950001 -1.0 Sell
2016-06-23 AAPL 95.093977 1.0 Buy
... ... ... ... ...
2016-11-01 HPQ 14.229053 -1.0 Sell
2016-11-08 FB 124.220001 -1.0 Sell
2016-11-10 AMZN 742.380005 -1.0 Sell
2016-11-15 AAPL 107.110001 -1.0 Sell
2016-11-18 GOOG 760.539978 -1.0 Sell
HPQ 15.736241 1.0 Buy
IBM 160.389999 1.0 Buy
2016-12-12 NTDOY 32.090000 1.0 Buy
TWTR 18.930000 1.0 Buy
2016-12-21 AAPL 117.059998 1.0 Buy
NTDOY 25.730000 -1.0 Sell
2016-12-23 GOOG 789.909973 1.0 Buy
2016-12-29 TWTR 16.389999 -1.0 Sell
2017-01-09 AMZN 796.919983 1.0 Buy
2017-01-10 HPQ 14.690000 -1.0 Sell
2017-01-12 FB 126.620003 1.0 Buy
2017-01-20 SNY 42.049999 1.0 Buy
YHOO 42.049999 1.0 Buy
2017-02-02 AAPL 128.529999 1.0 Sell
AMZN 839.950012 1.0 Sell
FB 130.839996 1.0 Sell
GOOG 798.530029 1.0 Sell
HPQ 15.210000 -1.0 Buy
IBM 174.580002 1.0 Sell
MSFT 63.169998 1.0 Sell
NFLX 139.199997 1.0 Sell
NTDOY 25.090000 -1.0 Buy
SNY 43.689999 1.0 Sell
TWTR 17.780001 -1.0 Buy
YHOO 43.689999 1.0 Sell

90 rows × 3 columns

In [39]:
bk = backtest(signals, 1000000)

End Cash Portfolio Value Profit per Share Share Price Shares Start Cash Total Profit Trade Value Type
Date Symbol
2016-03-15 AAPL 9.074269e+05 1.000000e+06 0.000000 102.858958 900.0 1000000.0000 0.0 92573.0622 Buy
AMZN 9.074269e+05 1.000000e+06 0.000000 577.020020 0.0 907426.9378 0.0 0.0000 Sell
FB 8.078239e+05 1.000000e+06 0.000000 110.669998 900.0 907426.9378 0.0 99602.9982 Buy
GOOG 8.078239e+05 1.000000e+06 0.000000 728.330017 0.0 807823.9396 0.0 0.0000 Sell
HPQ 7.079115e+05 1.000000e+06 0.000000 11.101380 9000.0 807823.9396 0.0 99912.4200 Buy
IBM 6.105282e+05 1.000000e+06 0.000000 139.119036 700.0 707911.5196 0.0 97383.3252 Buy
MSFT 5.107150e+05 1.000000e+06 0.000000 52.533246 1900.0 610528.1944 0.0 99813.1674 Buy
NFLX 5.107150e+05 1.000000e+06 0.000000 97.860001 0.0 510715.0270 0.0 0.0000 Sell
NTDOY 4.115350e+05 1.000000e+06 0.000000 17.400000 5700.0 510715.0270 0.0 99180.0000 Buy
SNY 3.117550e+05 1.000000e+06 0.000000 33.259998 3000.0 411535.0270 0.0 99779.9940 Buy
TWTR 2.129960e+05 1.000000e+06 0.000000 16.190001 6100.0 311755.0330 0.0 98759.0061 Buy
YHOO 1.132160e+05 1.000000e+06 0.000000 33.259998 3000.0 212996.0269 0.0 99779.9940 Buy
2016-03-17 AMZN 5.727203e+04 1.000000e+06 0.000000 559.440002 100.0 113216.0329 0.0 55944.0002 Buy
GOOG -1.650597e+04 1.000000e+06 0.000000 737.780029 100.0 57272.0327 0.0 73778.0029 Buy
2016-03-21 NFLX -1.074600e+05 1.000000e+06 0.000000 101.059998 900.0 -16505.9702 0.0 90953.9982 Buy
2016-04-01 TWTR -9.981968e+03 9.987190e+05 -0.210001 15.980000 0.0 -107459.9684 -0.0 97478.0000 Sell
2016-05-04 MSFT 8.290257e+04 9.917904e+05 -3.646646 48.886600 0.0 -9981.9684 -0.0 92884.5400 Sell
NFLX 1.646136e+05 9.825474e+05 -10.269997 90.790001 0.0 82902.5716 -0.0 81711.0009 Sell
2016-05-05 AAPL 2.476511e+05 9.730118e+05 -10.595041 92.263917 0.0 164613.5725 -0.0 83037.5253 Sell
GOOG 3.177941e+05 9.693768e+05 -36.350036 701.429993 0.0 247651.0978 -0.0 70142.9993 Sell
2016-05-17 HPQ 4.188459e+05 9.705162e+05 0.126595 11.227975 0.0 317794.0971 0.0 101051.7750 Sell
NTDOY 5.224149e+05 9.749052e+05 0.770000 18.170000 0.0 418845.8721 0.0 103569.0000 Sell
2016-05-20 IBM 6.236885e+05 9.787955e+05 5.557593 144.676629 0.0 522414.8721 0.0 101273.6403 Sell
2016-05-27 IBM 5.335872e+05 9.787955e+05 0.000000 150.168934 600.0 623688.5124 0.0 90101.3604 Buy
2016-06-07 HPQ 4.362680e+05 9.787955e+05 0.000000 13.331394 7300.0 533587.1520 0.0 97319.1762 Buy
2016-06-08 NTDOY 3.395180e+05 9.787955e+05 0.000000 19.350000 5000.0 436267.9758 0.0 96750.0000 Buy
2016-06-14 NFLX 2.453980e+05 9.787955e+05 0.000000 94.120003 1000.0 339517.9758 0.0 94120.0030 Buy
2016-06-17 NTDOY 3.334480e+05 9.700955e+05 -1.739999 17.610001 0.0 245397.9728 -0.0 88050.0050 Sell
2016-06-20 NTDOY 3.334480e+05 9.700955e+05 -1.399999 17.950001 0.0 333447.9778 -0.0 0.0000 Sell
2016-06-23 AAPL 2.383540e+05 9.700955e+05 0.000000 95.093977 1000.0 333447.9778 0.0 95093.9770 Buy
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2016-11-01 HPQ 5.080663e+05 1.033131e+06 0.897659 14.229053 0.0 508066.2844 0.0 0.0000 Sell
2016-11-08 FB 6.074423e+05 1.035203e+06 2.590004 124.220001 0.0 508066.2844 0.0 99376.0008 Sell
2016-11-10 AMZN 6.816803e+05 1.053497e+06 182.940003 742.380005 0.0 607442.2852 0.0 74238.0005 Sell
2016-11-15 AAPL 7.887903e+05 1.064286e+06 10.789007 107.110001 0.0 681680.2857 0.0 107110.0010 Sell
2016-11-18 GOOG 8.648443e+05 1.061746e+06 -25.400024 760.539978 0.0 788790.2867 -0.0 76053.9978 Sell
HPQ 7.594115e+05 1.061746e+06 0.000000 15.736241 6700.0 864844.2845 0.0 105432.8147 Buy
IBM 6.631775e+05 1.061746e+06 0.000000 160.389999 600.0 759411.4698 0.0 96233.9994 Buy
2016-12-12 NTDOY 5.572805e+05 1.061746e+06 0.000000 32.090000 3300.0 663177.4704 0.0 105897.0000 Buy
TWTR 4.512725e+05 1.061746e+06 0.000000 18.930000 5600.0 557280.4704 0.0 106008.0000 Buy
2016-12-21 AAPL 3.459185e+05 1.061746e+06 0.000000 117.059998 900.0 451272.4704 0.0 105353.9982 Buy
NTDOY 4.308275e+05 1.040758e+06 -6.360000 25.730000 0.0 345918.4722 -0.0 84909.0000 Sell
2016-12-23 GOOG 3.518365e+05 1.040758e+06 0.000000 789.909973 100.0 430827.4722 0.0 78990.9973 Buy
2016-12-29 TWTR 4.436205e+05 1.026534e+06 -2.540001 16.389999 0.0 351836.4749 -0.0 91783.9944 Sell
2017-01-09 AMZN 3.639285e+05 1.026534e+06 0.000000 796.919983 100.0 443620.4693 0.0 79691.9983 Buy
2017-01-10 HPQ 4.623515e+05 1.019524e+06 -1.046241 14.690000 0.0 363928.4710 -0.0 98423.0000 Sell
2017-01-12 FB 3.610555e+05 1.019524e+06 0.000000 126.620003 800.0 462351.4710 0.0 101296.0024 Buy
2017-01-20 SNY 2.601355e+05 1.019524e+06 0.000000 42.049999 2400.0 361055.4686 0.0 100919.9976 Buy
YHOO 1.592155e+05 1.019524e+06 0.000000 42.049999 2400.0 260135.4710 0.0 100919.9976 Buy
2017-02-02 AAPL 2.748925e+05 1.029847e+06 11.470001 128.529999 0.0 159215.4734 0.0 115676.9991 Sell
AMZN 3.588875e+05 1.034150e+06 43.030029 839.950012 0.0 274892.4725 0.0 83995.0012 Sell
FB 4.635595e+05 1.037526e+06 4.219993 130.839996 0.0 358887.4737 0.0 104671.9968 Sell
GOOG 5.434125e+05 1.038388e+06 8.620056 798.530029 0.0 463559.4705 0.0 79853.0029 Sell
HPQ 5.434125e+05 1.038388e+06 -0.526241 15.210000 0.0 543412.4734 -0.0 0.0000 Buy
IBM 6.481605e+05 1.046902e+06 14.190003 174.580002 0.0 543412.4734 0.0 104748.0012 Sell
MSFT 7.555495e+05 1.053549e+06 3.910331 63.169998 0.0 648160.4746 0.0 107388.9966 Sell
NFLX 8.947495e+05 1.096589e+06 43.039993 139.199997 0.0 755549.4712 0.0 139199.9970 Sell
NTDOY 8.947495e+05 1.096589e+06 -7.000000 25.090000 0.0 894749.4682 -0.0 0.0000 Buy
SNY 9.996055e+05 1.100525e+06 1.640000 43.689999 0.0 894749.4682 0.0 104855.9976 Sell
TWTR 9.996055e+05 1.100525e+06 -1.149999 17.780001 0.0 999605.4658 -0.0 0.0000 Buy
YHOO 1.104461e+06 1.104461e+06 1.640000 43.689999 0.0 999605.4658 0.0 104855.9976 Sell

90 rows × 9 columns

In [40]:
bk["Portfolio Value"].groupby(level = 0).apply(lambda x: x[-1]).plot()

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x106f59510>

In [42]:
spyder = data.DataReader("SPY", "yahoo", start, end)

Open High Low Close Volume Adj Close
2016-01-04 200.490005 201.029999 198.589996 201.020004 222353500 196.794026
2017-02-02 227.619995 228.100006 226.820007 227.770004 67943600 227.770004

In [43]:
batches = 1000000 // np.ceil(100 * spyder.ix[0,"Adj Close"]) # Maximum number of batches of stocks invested in
trade_val = batches * batch * spyder.ix[0,"Adj Close"] # How much money is used to buy SPY
final_val = batches * batch * spyder.ix[-1,"Adj Close"] + (1000000 - trade_val) # Final value of the portfolio


In [44]:
# We see that the buy-and-hold strategy beats the strategy we developed earlier. I would also like to see a plot.
ax_bench = (spyder["Adj Close"] / spyder.ix[0, "Adj Close"]).plot(label = "SPY")
ax_bench = (bk["Portfolio Value"].groupby(level = 0).apply(lambda x: x[-1]) / 1000000).plot(ax = ax_bench, label = "Portfolio")
ax_bench.legend(ax_bench.get_lines(), [l.get_label() for l in ax_bench.get_lines()], loc = 'best')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x107008250>

In [ ]: